Category: Hanga | Create

My favourite food

  🤤my favorite F.O.O.D😋


My favorite food is a mango🥭 ! They are super juicy  💦

They are important to me because they are healthy.

I like them because they are awesomely  juicy and yummy 🥭✨

Do you like mango’s?


            🦋🌺S .C .I. E. N. C. E 🌺🦋

                                        🦋  2024🦋

We have been learning about science  on Tuesday. Last Tuesday we did a couple things including a ¨dropper popper¨  I was in a group with Leila and Isabel. Firstly we activated the dropper popper then dropped it, it popped up into the air! No it didn’t i´m just joking it went not so far the first couple times we dropped it. But eventually  it went higher and HIGHER, one time it went a bit to high and flew into Leila’s FACE she is super duper lucky that she was wearing safety glasses phew then we put a  ping pong ball inside the dropper popper  3… 2… 1.. 0… Woah up it went then after a few attempts we learnt some more and then science ended.

Alma Thomas art

This week we have been learning about Alma Thomas i did some art just like hers. Here is a fact about Alma Thomas: you could really tell she loved nature half of her art names are involved with nature. Here is a picture of my art, Would you recommend this type of art?

Art Collage

Today we have been doing some art and learning. We learned about Henri Matisse a famous artist for his unique type of art. called Art Collage. Room 1/7 have been trying to make this type of art here is a picture of my Art collage i think it turned out great! Would you try out this unique type of art?

Respecting ourselves

This week our virtue is respecting ourselves. This means we take care of ourselves by washing our hair, brushing our teeth,and washing  body. One example of this is brushing our teeth every morning and night. Im going to practice this virtue by showering  every morning before school. What could you do to practice this virtue?

This is a photo of an activity  we did in class it shows what disrespect is ,respecting others ,and shows what respecting ourselves is.

Three Wise men

The three wise men were very very wise but one day they saw a star in the sky and they knew,it was the new king that has been born. So then they went to the king  and told him,and said once they found him to take him back.To worship him but he wanted to stay king,so he was going to kill him.


Wednesday Addams

Once upon a time in a dark droopy house their lived a scary girl, Wednesday Addams,who lives with her mum,dad,and brother.

Wednesday has no emotions, and hasn’t had joy in her life .Her long braided hair was as stiff as a rock  One day she went to high school but this was no ordinary school. It was a monster school with were-wolves , vampires,and a lot more dark magic.


When someone starts a conversation all she says is ¨ okay ¨ and flashes her dark mysterious eyes.If anyone looks at her they will scream and yell in terror .In her dorm a girl named Enid  was her roommate ¨yuck ¨ Wednesday says there is a lot of colours on Enids side of the room. And Wednesday is a big  outcast but one day a hand called Thing  chased Enid away.