Month: September 2023

How to have a good conversation!

We have been learning how to have  a good conversation on our blogs.We have some new blog buddies from different schools and we wanted to make sure we knew how to talk to them.

We learnt that a  good blog comment needs.


  • Positive
  • Thoughtful
  • Helpful
  • Question



We use this to help  write a good comment.The question opens up the conversation.

Poetry Writing

The Bffs

by Penelope Manhire

Isabel and Penny are the best.

So the teacher suggests for them to go on a quest to the west.

When they arrived, the first thing they did was getting some rest.

The next thing they did, was have a chest contest with an unknown guest.

Thirdly they took a test to see if the could survive  in the wild west.