Year: 2023

Three Wise men

The three wise men were very very wise but one day they saw a star in the sky and they knew,it was the new king that has been born. So then they went to the king  and told him,and said once they found him to take him back.To worship him but he wanted to stay king,so he was going to kill him.


Wednesday Addams

Once upon a time in a dark droopy house their lived a scary girl, Wednesday Addams,who lives with her mum,dad,and brother.

Wednesday has no emotions, and hasn’t had joy in her life .Her long braided hair was as stiff as a rock  One day she went to high school but this was no ordinary school. It was a monster school with were-wolves , vampires,and a lot more dark magic.


When someone starts a conversation all she says is ¨ okay ¨ and flashes her dark mysterious eyes.If anyone looks at her they will scream and yell in terror .In her dorm a girl named Enid  was her roommate ¨yuck ¨ Wednesday says there is a lot of colours on Enids side of the room. And Wednesday is a big  outcast but one day a hand called Thing  chased Enid away.

How to have a good conversation!

We have been learning how to have  a good conversation on our blogs.We have some new blog buddies from different schools and we wanted to make sure we knew how to talk to them.

We learnt that a  good blog comment needs.


  • Positive
  • Thoughtful
  • Helpful
  • Question



We use this to help  write a good comment.The question opens up the conversation.

Poetry Writing

The Bffs

by Penelope Manhire

Isabel and Penny are the best.

So the teacher suggests for them to go on a quest to the west.

When they arrived, the first thing they did was getting some rest.

The next thing they did, was have a chest contest with an unknown guest.

Thirdly they took a test to see if the could survive  in the wild west.

Art term 3

This term we have been learning about different artists such as Vincent Van Gogh,Frida kahlo,Salvador Dali,Rita Angus.Here is my piece of artinspired by Frida Kahlo.